Does AI level the playing field when it comes to recruitment?

Ground-breaking research delving into the economics of diversity and benefits of inclusion is investigating the role of AI in unmasking bias.

 Diversity and inclusion in the workplace have long been championed for ethical reasons.

But what if there was a way to make the case for a more diverse workforce that directly impacts a company’s bottom line? Professor Andreas Leibbrandt’s research explores this compelling argument.

“The vast majority of research into gender, diversity and inclusion is looking at what is right and wrong, and that approach is problematic,” Prof Leibbrandt said.

“My work focuses on the business case and under which circumstances a more diverse workforce improves productivity.”

This shift in focus from obligation to advantage offers a powerful new perspective for businesses: diversity is not just the right thing to do, it can be a key driver of success and lead to comparative advantages.

 Recruitment in the Age of AI

A critical first step lies in dismantling the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups from reaching their full potential.

“We know that people in minority groups have inferior market outcomes – they earn less, they have a harder time finding and keeping a job,” he said.

“It’s important to understand why that is the case so that we can identify and remove the barriers.”

One major hurdle lies in the recruitment process itself, which is currently undergoing a seismic shift alongside the rise of AI. “We know that a large majority of organisations now use AI in their recruitment process,” he said.

“My first thought was, ‘How does that affect people who are different?’.”

This is precisely the question Prof Leibbrandt and his team sought to answer in their ground-breaking research investigating how AI recruitment tools affect existing biases in recruitment.

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The first-of-its-kind study focused on two key areas: applicant behaviour and recruiter bias.

In one field experiment, more than 700 applicants for a web designer position were informed whether their application would be assessed by AI or by a human.

The results were striking.

“Women were significantly more likely to complete their applications when they knew AI would be involved, while men were less likely to apply,” he said.

The findings suggest a key difference in perception.

Women believe AI assessment reduces bias, while men fear it removes an advantage.

 Unmasking bias in the new recruitment landscape

A second experiment focused on the behaviour of 500 tech recruiters.

“We found that when recruiters knew the applicant’s gender, they consistently scored women lower than men,” he said.

“However, this bias completely disappeared when the applicant’s gender was hidden.”

When recruiters had access to both the AI score and the applicant’s gender, there was also no gender difference in scoring.

“That shows us they use AI as an aid and anchor – it helps remove the gender bias in assessment.”

Prof Leibbrandt said a crucial aspect of the study was that, in contrast to the vast majority of current research, it focused on the human interaction with AI, rather than the algorithm behind it.

“AI is an amazing tool, but it’s a bit like having a knife – it’s great to have one, but you can cut yourself,” he said.

“You need to know how to use it properly.”

 The future of work: Diversity as a strategic advantage

Prof Leibbrandt is exploring other frontiers in the fight for workplace inclusion. “I’m working on some exciting things,” he said.

One project will test the impact of informing job applicants who are being assessed by AI about the potential bias in AI training data.

He also plans to tackle the concept of ‘narrative discrimination’ – where unconscious stereotypes influence hiring decisions in the tech industry – as well as explore the potential for bias in remote work settings.

“My research isn’t just about dismantling bias, it’s about building a future of work where everyone has the opportunity to thrive,” he said.

“By harnessing the power of diverse perspectives and experiences, organisations can unlock true innovation and achieve long-term success.

“In the end, it’s not just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.”

Published on 18 Jul 2024
