The clean economy: Solving the energy equation To have any chance of limiting climate change, we need clean energy. How do we solve this equation? And why is Australia so slow on the uptake? Anke Leroux Department of Economics Australia finally sees the danger as ‘energy poverty’ risk looms Amid market deregulation, rising prices and global events, a recent cold snap left Australia's energy supply teetering. Mita Bhattacharya Department of Economics How the coronavirus may reshape energy policy Australian states are lagging in the transition to renewable energy. How will the pandemic affect our progress towards a renewable energy future? Mita Bhattacharya Department of Economics The economics of energy policy (it’s complicated) Australia needs to reduce its carbon emissions. But that's about the only thing we agree upon, it seems. With Dr Gordon Leslie. Gordon Leslie Department of Economics Australia’s energy policy is at a crossroads Managed well, Australia will benefit from a secure and reliable energy future. Managed poorly, our energy future will be less secure, more unreliable and potentially very costly. Chloe Munro Leadership and Executive Education Rethinking biofuels: the future of energy? Australia lags the rest of the world when it comes to adopting biofuels - that is, turning plant matter into energy. But we can move beyond the 'food versus fuel' argument with expert research and government support. Diane Kraal Department of Business Law and Taxation Why we need to pay attention to energy justice The proposed Adani coal mine in Queensland has been controversial for its environmental, economic and political ramifications. It's a good example of how difficult it is to make sense of all these competing agendas. Enter an emerging new field of thought – energy justice. With Dr Diane Kraal. Diane Kraal Department of Business Law and Taxation Forecasting: Putting the smart into smart meters A move to unlock the vast data collected by Victoria's smart meters could help providers better forecast demand. Rob J Hyndman Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics Energy justice: What is it and why do we need it? We devour energy at a truly ravenous rate; but it has an increasing social cost. How can policymakers balance these competing demands? Diane Kraal Department of Business Law and Taxation Why a fairer gas transfer pricing solution is needed The current Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT) Regulations grossly undervalue the gas transfer price for gas feedstock, to the detriment of tax collections and the community as owners of petroleum resources. Diane Kraal Department of Business Law and Taxation