Five ways to reboot your organisation and develop diverse leaders Following the disruption of COVID-19, organisations should resist returning to leadership-as-usual. Julie Wolfram Cox Karryna Madison Nathan Eva Department of Management How a food charity ‘made sense’ of the COVID crisis and thrived The much-maligned meeting plays a pivotal part in helping people 'make sense' of a crisis. Paul J Thambar Ralph Kober Department of Accounting Tightly managing hospital beds during the pandemic helped those most in need Dynamically steering bed allocation, along with a subsidy scheme at different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, improved the effectiveness of patient care. Xin Ma Department of Management Securing future jobs for those with autism depends on what we do next With an increasing number of people being diagnosed on the autistic spectrum, this world-first global study investigates what the future holds for their employment opportunities. Charmine Härtel Department of Management We need compassionate leaders in aged care, so why are they so hard to find? A ground-breaking survey of aged care leaders reveals a surprising deficit. Jacqueline OToole Department of Management The concept of collective leadership and how it could lead us out of a pandemic In a crisis are more heads better than one? Here are five ways your organisation can introduce collective leadership and put a group of leaders making joint decisions at the helm. Nathan Eva Herman Tse Julie Wolfram Cox Department of Management COVID-19 business reset: Risk, uncertainty and opportunity Does COVID-19 identify greater risk or more opportunities for business? Board members need to find out – fast. Andrew Matthews Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics 7 ways employers can respond to help calm the fear of COVID-19 The fear of COVID-19 has spread faster than the virus. With the public in a frenzy, how can employers respond to create inclusive workplaces? Helen De Cieri Department of Management Why wicked CEOs prevail: Dark personality traits of the executive suite From the outside, it appears that some form of narcissism is required to make your way up the corporate ladder. Why do wicked CEOs seem to win? Udari Ekanayake Mariano (Pitòsh) Heyden Department of Management Do friends matter at work? High-quality friendships at work help create thriving employees. Zen Goh Department of Management Surviving or thriving? Beyond the daily grind What makes us thrive at work? Monash Business School's Multidisciplinary International Network on Thriving (MINT) is investigating what it takes for both individuals and organisations to flourish. Zen Goh Department of Management The art of the deal: Negotiate like a pro Research shows giving people different offers or 'choices' when negotiating can reduce their stress and lead to win-win outcomes. Jun Gu Department of Management 1 2 Next